Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Storm Brewing ?

A quick upload before I settle down to watch the Poland v Russia game, if the earlier game tonight is anything to go by we should be in for a treat.

Tonight's blip was taken on the way home from Lochgilphead from my accordion lesson. That was truly drastic, " Dancing in Kyle " sounded more like " Crawling inthe Black Isle " the way I was playing tonight. ( no offence to the folks of the Black Isle - it just happened to rhyme with Kyle. )

Anyway it got very black overhead but by the time we had travelled the 3 miles home the skies had lightened again .

Will be back later after the game to catch up with your journals.
Meant to say my image of the KIlmartin Standing Stones will be published in the Herald tomorrow. Chuffed to bits.

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