Sketching at Mousehole (Backblip)

Another beautiful day and after a leisurely rise we wandered down the hill and spent the afternoon in the lovely village of Mousehole - always lots to see and you can lose a few hours by just watching the ever changing view and the comings and goings in the harbour, and this afternoon:  girls jumping off the harbour wall and into the water (looked a dangerous occupation to me??!) - Canoeists having instruction for recovering from capsizing, browsing the shops and a pint of Tribute in the  Ship Inn.  A great way to spend an afternoon.

Our friends have alot to do with events in Mousehole, including the Harbour Lights display and are currently hosting a photographic competition, open to anyone who can send in a photo, or 3,  to depict the 'beauty and diversity of life in the village throughout the year' - Do you think I should send this one in???


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