
By NinaH

At the end of the day...

There won't be anymore
(So turn the world around)
At the end of the day
We'll know what this was for
(As the sun keeps comin' down)
At the end of the day
You won't feel any pain
(As the sky begins to fall)
At the end of the day
You'll be feeling right as rain
(As the veil reveals it all)
-spock's beard

Tired, but not sad.
Today was a long day. I was outside over 5 hours today.. Played 5 different kind of sports with 21 kids ( circle of games took about an hour)... Fresh air poisoning is my condition. My co-worker Terhi (amazing puppeteer and artist of many things!) had four other kids chosen to participate on tv-shoot for "pikku kakkonen", a Finnish children television. That´s why me and assistant personals needed to keep other kids busy and happy :) I also rehearsed a Princess play that 7 girls had planned to show us tomorrow. ( they asked me to be a narrator ) and I had to teach them how to play= improvise music for the act ) This is why I love my work, kids imagination and simple joy of learning and the whole process!

When got home it was: a quick dinner, a short nap, off to hospital to see Lassi, from there to meet Mika and Aino at our friend´s kids 6year old birthday party. Then back home and planning Suvi´s confirmation party. This photo was taken when I finally got Aino to shower and after I read my emails... I also succeed to take sharp photos, but this blurry one suits better for the feeling!

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