Sold out

all the DVDs. Can you believe that? I can't, but it's still true.

We woke at after 6 am this Sunday morning. Took the dogs out. Ate quick breakfast and off we went with a fully packed station wagon with only two seats in the front.

Last time I was selling in this flee market it was the 90's. My then boyfriend had disappeared without a word and I was selling all his clothes away. And some of my old stuff too...

This time we had Donald Ducks, DVDs and little bit of games and few monopolies and some of the dresses I've made. It was a gamble and the crowd seemed very senior to consume what we had to sell, but luckily there were younger people too and we made 309€ in net. 

2 hours before closing a guy came to us telling he'd buy all our DVDs with 100€. First we said no, but then we agreed that before closing if there's still enough left for him to keep his offer we'd accept the deal. And that's how we got rid of all our DVDs in two days.

Me in the picture with some of my dresses in the left corner. General picture in the extras. There were more rows behind this line. Doesn't look like much of a flee market, but we made pretty good money. And the DVDs are gone!

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