
By ForthPorts

Tales from the Washroom

Open Championship, St Andrews 2015

Much better play today, birdies everywhere.

Popped into the R&A again to avail myself of their sumptuous Italian marbled facilities. They actually have an attendant in there who may offer to spritz you with a choice of fragrance or perhaps pass you a hot towel. Luxury.

While at the urinal I noticed these little spikes on the washstand. I enquired of the attendant as to what they were.

"They are tee pegs Sir." he replied.
"And what are they used for?" I asked.
"You put your balls on them when driving Sir." was his answer.
"You guys are amazing!" I said, taking two of them, exiting in a fug of eau-de-cologne and headed for the car to try them out.

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