Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Japanese Contents

Early start today for Saturday. Headed over to Ikea for when they opened to get the remaining doors we needed for the bookcase. From there it was some food shopping followed by a trip to B&Q for some paint.
Came back and managed to get the bookcase finished after lunch. J headed up town to get her hair cut while I finished some things off in the garden and then did a few messages.
Started to open the boxes of book and load them into the bookcase. After J came back we did a bit more before finishing for the night. Too tried to cook so went out for chippies.
Spent the night in watching some stuff on TV once the golf had finished. It was too late for us to go and see the new Minions film.

After a couple of beers I opened up my birthday present from SF. Very nice. Apparently these labeled bottles can only be bought in Japan. These are the sort of containers and contents I like. 

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