Capital adventures

By marchmont

Side by side

Today was a wash out.  It rained, a lot.  #2 son was supposed to bring back the car at lunchtime.  He didn't.  I did some things that have been on the 'to do' list for a while and I cooked real food.  Skyped Olivia at her Popo's, so not much conversation.  #1 son had had to go back to Singapore at lunchtime because of Eid.  The buses were all full. 

I summer pruned some more plants, big haircuts yesterday and I finally set up the new PC.  I bought it as the HP had died, then it came back to life.  Despite the fact it is slower and about to die, any day, I still prefer it.  So now I have 2 functioning laptops.  Will I ever learn to love Windows 8?

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