Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Mama T Returns!

Mama T returns!

Was gonna take a pic of her looking all suntanned and golden, but I forgot! Then I thought why not take a pic of us all out for dinner, then I for got! Then I thought 'oooh these cocktails I'm consuming at a rate of knots look good, shall I blip these?'.... then I forgot!

So basically in my cocktail hazed merriment I got Awsomo to stop at the side of the road and I'd take yet another shot of the beach.

Sorry it's not more exciting. Took all my focus to stand up against the howling wind (who we kidding, cocktail legs!) and take it.

I think I should go lay down. I feel a bit funky!
Was an affa fine raspberry margarita and bay breeze though!

REDMarmalade xxx

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