…..lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer!

After a really hot day yesterday, we woke this morning to a dull, cloudy and quite chilly day.  Such is the British Summer!  But we are a hardy race and I never put my winter tops away, so today I think will be a “long sleeve top” day.

I admire my friend who lives in Guernsey who goes swimming most days, rain or shine - I honestly don’t think I would be that brave - but then as I don’t live near the sea, I don’t have that dilemma each day.

At the end of the song sung famously by Nat King Cole, it says: “You’ll wish that summer could always be here” - that’s not quite true for me, because although I love our climate and the fact that we do have changes in temperature - I don’t think I could live in a place like Thailand, where Son Number 2 lives, where it is hot all the time - but having said that, when the temperature drops to 25°C, he tells us he feels cold!

I hope whatever you are doing today, whether you are hot or cold, you have a warm heart - have a great day!

I was in a choir many years ago and we used to sing a choral anthem by Maunder, "While the Earth Remaineth" - so the quote today is from words straight out of the King James Bible - the version that I memorised when I was younger.

While the earth remaineth, 
seedtime and harvest, 
and cold and heat, 
and summer and winter, 
and day and night 
shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22 

P.S.  I just happen to be reading the book, Summer's Child, at the moment - so very appropriate!

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