5years 271days 

Today has been a really special day. Katie woke up about 6 but quietly ate breakfast and read to me as the rest of the house slowly woke. She did a gorgeous piano practice on my cousin's lovely electric piano. She ate a second breakfast with the rest of us and played piano again as we all got ready for the day's events. 

My cousin's son was baptised today. Katie has seen adult baptisms a few times, but our church meets in a school so baptisms take place in the sea or a swimming pool. Today's took place in a baptistry in the church, so she was quite intrigued by it all. The service went wonderfully. She had a good time in the children's group after the baptism. We then all headed back to my cousins for a fantastic big barbecue. Katie had a great time and was such a good girl. It was lovely to spend time with my family. My brother and fiancee joined us for the day and my aunt and uncle had travelled down too, plus of course my parents and the cousins we were staying with. 

Despite only travelling down yesterday, and it being really rather warm, she did very well on the journey home. We had to make an extra stop to get some ice and fresh water as hers had gotten too hot in the car, but beyond that, all was great. We have had a wonderful weekend!! 

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