Bobbing along...

Today was my retreat day - once a month, each of us in the community take a day out to do something that revives us, have dedicated time to pray etc etc... I had a lovely morning in a nearby town then came home by boat. I'm trying to write casually, but what I really want to write is...I CAME HOME BY BOAT!! An amazing hour long ride down the coast...such beauty. I felt very energised by it....
Then back to air con and some more reading.
Tonight, out with friends, so I MUST go wash my windswept, salty, hair!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Boat trips - such a wonderful to be on the sea for a bit.
2) That salty taste you get on your lips from sea spray.
3) Coming home to this (blipped) view. What a privilege to live on this island.

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