#Lucky, happy & loved

By J4n3t

Mono Monday: summer

Had a long drive today 207 mile round trip for a 90 min clinic, so many holiday makers tootling along, happily oblivious to those lorry drivers, van drivers and folk like me who love slowing down but want to get home too.
What always surprises me is how the passing places never get used by those slow moving folk. Hey! Ho! Home now, safe and sound but rather pooped!!

So my MM77 picture... it's me, my mam and grand-dad about 49 years ago. I was only 13 when grand-dad passed away, it was at Christmas time and mam was informed by the police that he'd taken ill (no phone), she went down to Sheffield to help care for him on Christmas Eve, I got to make a very successful Christmas lunch...

I digress... the pic was taken at Hartlepool Headland, I think dad took it. I look at this and all I see is summer and Christmas all rolled into one... I really love Christmas, summer?? Well maybe if the temperature would rise above 16C I might be convinced we have summer here.

Brighter day tomorrow, meeting a pal for lunch at Girvans in Inverness!! And then some retail therapy (badly needed) :)

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