Mono Monday - Summer Sunflower
Thanks to Irunlykagirl for hosting Mono Monday this week.
It has be awhile since I entered the Mono Monday challenge. Today I decided to do it. I checked on the subject and discovered it was summer. Now that is pretty easy around here though the wind was blowing and it was colder and grayer this morning. I took a photo of our deck-grown sunflower for my summer subject. Now the sun is out again but thankfully it is cooler than it has been. That is a big relief. Even my formerly California girl soul was getting a bit tired of the hot sticky days we've been having. (I know it is all relative and our "sticky" is nothing like the "sticky" in New York and close by. I know because I've lived there. But still...)
I tried to drop off something at the Social Security office here in Bellingham. The guard said I had to sign in so I did. And then he said to sit down and wait. I asked if I had to wait just to drop something off that I could mail. He said I did and why didn't I just mail it. Okay... I did that. But good grief! How hard is it to install a box with a slot for things people need to submit. I know at least one agency has that because I remember doing it once. Clearly not Social Security. And it is the same guard we met quite awhile ago when we were doing some business there. He sits all day at a desk and tells people to sign in, not all that nicely either. He looks dead bored and cranky. I think if I had that job I'd be a blithering idiot by now. Oh wait... perhaps he is. Snicker. Unkind words for somebody just doing his job but the experience was not all that pleasant for me. Probably not for him either though I did manage to be civil as I left to go to the post office. Actually that worked out well because I had a package in the car that I hadn't mailed yet.
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