Mono Monday : : Summer

The theme of summer was a slam dunk here since the temperature is approaching 100 F,  with possible thunderstorms predicted. 

I saw some kids in swim suits carrying blow up toys and towels, but it was impossible to stop the car and negotiate with them  for a picture.

OilMan came home from the store (he is the hunter gatherer; I keep the home fires burning) with a watermelon…a wonderfully photographic summer melon, but we didn't have any small children to photograph eating it,  juice running off their chins and dripping from their elbows.

David's brother-in-law, Korry, has been working on our deck today. Since it has two step-like benches that must be moveable, I think David thought Korry's cabinet making skills were required. We moved the yellow umbrella back there to give him a little shade, and I brought him ice and water and told him he could come inside and cool off whenever he wanted, but he toiled away all day, building our deck as if it were a beautifully framed picture.

Dana and I went to the nursery in Petaluma for little birds for my porch decor. and a stop at the outlet mall. I took a picture of a cute little girl in shorts and flip-flops dancing in front of a mirror to the loud music in the  Nike store, but I think she was on to me and I didn't want to look like some sort of weirdo predator.

On the way home we drove by the fairgrounds where they are setting up all the carnival rides for the Sonoma County Fair which opens on Wednesday.
The ferris wheel, a quintessential summer sight, was all set up in front of the funnel cake booths. I liked the way it looked against the sky, and for the memories of the smell of livestock  mixing with the smell of corn dogs and cotton candy, and the sounds of the horse races harmonizing with the sounds of the carnival midway.

Thanks for the memories and to irunlykagirl for hosting.  

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