twinned with trumpton


And slept until 9. No - really!
Spent an hour plotting an itinerary for the West Highland Way - first weekend in September. 95 miles plus train travel; leave Edinburgh around 9 on the Thursday to Milngavie; then walk to Fort William to catch a train around 11 on Monday morning.

Seems doable. On paper. So now to book accommodation and train tickets and do the damn thing. There's some tough days in there but I'm sure we can do it.

Then after a leisurely breakfast, we mounted the bikes and went to East Lothian (just) in the sunshine and then popped in to see Bill (extra) and Keiran for coffee as we headed back up the hill.

Caught the rain as we headed home and then in for hot showers and tuna with pistachio and mustard crunchy coating and spinach and roasted gnocchi.

And more crap TV. But it's addictive this crap TV...

Easterrrrr Road; home of the Hibees

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