Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Moonlight on the Boatsheds, Paradise Bay

I've been in the Garden City again today, both for business and for photography related matters. It's been a good day.

This evening at the Diamond Harbour Camera Club we had an inspirational talk from local photographer Scott Fowler, who shared some of his insights and displayed some of his work.

It certainly was useful; it's given me some ideas of how I can work with some of my images from a conceptual point of view, as well as providing me with some tips from getting the most out of local adjustments in the Nik suite of software.

Following on from my other meeting it looks like I'm going to be spending a bit of time in Christchurch for work too. Exciting prospects ahead :-)

This shot was taken just before 7pm on my way over to Diamond Harbour. These sheds at Paradise bay have always been a favorite of mine, so it was nice to photograph them under a crescent moon. This shot is made up of six images, merged to a panorama (although not wide aspect)  in Photoshop.

Check the extra photos for another one taken from the lip of one of the boat ramps; looking up to the core of the Milky Way, peeking through the clouds.  As I took it, the sea lapped at the soles of my shoes underneath the gratings. Most bizarre!

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