
By loisbiz

Tiny Tuesday

Two challenges this week; I guess I must be past being so distracted with the challenges of my life. I haven't blipped anything this small before; he isn't as clear as other blippers who do macros all the time. Oh well, it is my best and I am okay with it.

This is a Crab Spider and since it is yellow, it must be a female. I have never seen a yellow spider before, so I had to blip it!  It is really tiny. 

According to the internet: 
This spider has the remarkable ability to alter its colour to match its background, usually a white or yellow flower, allowing it to become beautifully camouflaged. The sexes are different in appearance; females vary in colour from white to pale green or yellow, depending on the background. This species does not spin a web to catch its prey. Instead it lies in wait on flowers and vegetation for a suitable prey species to visit and swiftly ambushes the insect . It then injects venom into the prey with the slender fangs.

Hubby and Grandson went to the beach house alone; so I have been doing a lot of processing of  photos on my sd cards. I have been attempting to only keep one of each subject in the same situation. Not easy! 

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