Pelican Pete

Not the most likely place to find Pete the Pelican, but even in downtown Bundaberg the Pelicans are often on show.  As you cross the new bridge to the north there are a couple of pelicans that are often showing off.  I've also seen them in the lake at the Botanical Gardens.  This one allowed me to get up close and personal.  Well I did have the zoom lens on :-))

Thanks for the lovely comments about my Tiny Tuesday blip yesterday.  I'm hoping to have some time on the computer tomorrow when reception is better to browse through the wonderful postings by over 90 blippers this week.  I'm so delighted that Tiny Tuesday is proving popular with so many of you.  Macro photography is a wonderful art form and I must admit I'm fascinated by it.  I can't wait to see Beckett's selection this week.

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