.....if I look down.............

....the big ends Grandad you are very far away.

We have a couple of wild green parrots around the local area........we see them a lot but as yet I've never managed to get a shot of them.

A week or so ago the Boss took Charlie and our friend B onto the local moor to see where they "nest"..........Charlie was really impressed with B's "nocklears".

On Sunday Charlie asked the Boss if they could go back for another look.......and "maybe the nocklear man can come too"

The Boss told B about this on Monday at the quiz............on Tuesday he turned up at the door..........with a set of binoculars he'd bought for Charlie.....not wildly expensive...........but they work a treat. She's had them round her neck ever since (apart from sleeping with them).

I have some wonderful friends.

200+ mile round trip today to swear an oath for the probate of Dad's will........10 minutes in a solicitors office..........almost 5 hours of driving........I called in at Dad's to pick up the specs the Boss left there a month  ago!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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