Mima's World

By SheilaJellison

My photo of the day today came to ME!!!!  My best friend's son and his family arrived today for a 10 day stay (his Mom died 7-7-07, a day when people in Las Vegas were probably placing ridiculous bets because of the alignment of the numbers....but I'll never forget the phone call from this one's brother telling me their Mom had died....).....so this is Danny (his brother is David), and he and Jill have two darling daughters, Paige and Brooke.  They've made an annual trek to Sarasota for several years and in the summer when most people would not CHOOSE to go to Florida because it's bloody hot and humid.  They love it here and we get to hang out together at the beach, going to dinner, eating dinner at home and just being.  I love this guy and his brother (and their families).....so we were toasting their return with some nice cold weak American beer.  Welcome to Sarasota Dan and fam!!!!!  Jill took the photo of the two of us.....

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