
By JustAStory

Lab Results (Story 1 Continued....)

The people who I worked with liked to make things complicated. Well, maybe not liked to, but they certainly needed to, because they did not want to risk being caught by any of the amazing technology being invented nowadays.
In the early hours of the morning, I was sent an email that directed me to go to a certain telephone box at a specific time. That phone would ring and I would be told about the lab results.
I made sure I was at that telephone box and waited for the ring. I hoped for the best, that it was really one of my targets cigarettes and that I was a lot closer to catching them. I also expected the worst; it was just a decoy and the target's long gone.
The phone rang, and I eagerly picked it up. "The news isn't very good," I was informed by the person who was randomly chosen to give me the information, "this is a real cigarette, but we couldn't find any D.N.A on it at all."
Well he wasn't tricking us, and he got lucky, his mistake was insignificant. I told the caller, "I've been going over our data on the target, and I've noticed some more patterns. I've got a plan and will be able to catch him soon."
"Brill.," they commented, "When do you think you'll be able to trap him?"
"Very soon. Very, very soon," I told the caller. I didn't know exactly how long it would take to set up my ambush, but I knew it would work, and I knew that it was the most genius idea I ever came up with.

To be continued.......

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