The Olives...

are the best part!  This is a quick shot of the Greek salad I've made for dinner tonight.  Mr K's old colleague and his wife are coming for dinner and we're having gyros and chips and salad and zaziki... 

They are due to arrive any minute, but just half an hour ago we noticed that little Alfred had developed an ear infection and he was shaking his head, and scratching and in pain - although he was all right this morning...  His ear was red and bloody and swollen from the scratching.  So we called the vet and as we had no appointment, the nurse said to come and get some ear cleaning fluid.   When I got there she'd spoken with the vet and they decided on a special cream to squirt into his ear for the next five days and a cleaning fluid for two days later.  If it's not better by Wednesday, we're to go back.  She was so helpful and I was so grateful as Alfred was in distress.  The cream is duly squirted, and he's playing ball happily now.  So we can relax and enjoy our meal.  We've got baklava with vanilla ice cream for dessert and a plate of anti-pasta to start with... I hope they all enjoy it! :-)

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