Freaky Friday

Jeez what a day! The mannie was coming to do the valuation so I was going round like a dervish cleaning.
First in the hall I became aware of a sort of buzzing noise. Thought it was coming from the cupboard but no oddly it was coming from behind a small mirror in the hall! I took every thing off the wee shelf underneath it but still kept buzzing! Finally after giving the bloody mirror some hard knocks, it stopped.
Back to the hoovering then bloody Hoover started going wonky! Still slightly freaked out and sweating profusely I went into the sitting room and the Damn tv went on by itself! I almost hit the roof. I had just finished sweeping the stairs when the bloke arrived. On the way to the door I glanced in the mirror and saw my hair was sticking up like Greenock and thought oh God this bloke will think I'm a mess. I opened the door and guess what! He too had spiky hair. Thanks you God I thought silently.
Chap was very nice and will get back.
Later in the afternoon I was sitting next to the fire when the frigging crystal lamp, my late mother's pride and joy which I stopped tumbling to oblivion the other day...starting falling. Again miraculously I grabbed it, albeit in two bits.
I thought NO she's at it again trying to freak me out! But lo! It was Sam the bam dog that had got tangled up in the cable.
Anyway I decided to put the bloody thing back together and clean it. So now you have the curse of my life lamp looking as my late mother would wish it to look and now I hope she cuts me a break!

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