It's raining, it's pouring, it's summer holidays!

It's rained all day......
Apart from when lee got up at 5am, it wasn't raining then, but was grim!

Had planned a trip to Croome and to Croome we went. Waterproofed up it was fine, although Munchie was super zoomy in the big slide and needed catching before launching off the end, on the tube slide she caused a mini tsunami, soaked herself inside her waterproofs and me.,

Luckily change of clothes in the bag so all was well. Had yummy lunch there then home. The children played. I packed.

Daddy home early, always a bonus, not looking as grey, doubke bonus. Car packed, triple bonus.

Whilst doing munchies sleepy wee she asked if it was time to go on holiday! If only x

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