Swimmers' Log Book


'Stock Boxes'

I rescued my stock boxes from their safe location today - four boxes full of lovely new stationery made me very happy indeed! More sellotape and paper clips (three sizes) than I'll ever need; along with several packs each of fine felt pens, broad felt pens, handwriting pens, italic pens, whiteboard pens, chunky pens, colouring pencils, writing pencils, sticky labels, post it notes, rubbers, sharpeners... In fact, I think I have more here for the year than we got for the whole of my last school! So exciting!!!

Spent another full day sorting and organising the classroom and cupboard. Very nearly done now- just displays to finalise and trays to label. One more day should do it. Then what will I do?

Oh, and today I brought home 100 squares to clean. That's laminated squares of numbers from 1 to 100, not 100 'squares'. Now the word squares has gone all weird.

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