Tarawera Times

By Megl

Swing Low, Swing High...

More aerial gymnastics from the kereru today, this time in the native Ribbonwood tree, which has just about been stripped of all its fresh growth. Just can't resist them, they are such beautiful birds and this is the time of the year that we see so many.

And a huge thanks to everyone for all your kind words, stars and hearts for my 500th yesterday, just a drop in the bucket for many blippers who have numbers over 2000, but a real thrill.

And a link that I wanted to share from Julianne Kost, the Adobe "guru"  who spoke at conference in April. She spent a week travelling in the North Island of NZ before she flew home and has just put together some of her images using the new Adobe Slate tablet app. She really is an amazing photographer, her work is so simple, but just stunning, well worthwhile checking out.

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