Good morning all .....

.......... I'm just about dry now, wow you should have seen me at 4.30 pm yesterday!! Well Grandma too , we were just 2 drowned rats ( sorry about that Mr rat ) , of course Grandma could change her clothes but I had no choice!!! She did towel me dry and put the hair drier on but I was so wet it was difficult to get me completely dry?
Today is ok at present so I've been given a spuce - up! Wonder how long that will last.
Oh, I've been a tiny bit naughty, last night Grandma gave me my tablets and I fooled her??? She found the half large brown one in my bed, silly really hope I'll be ok?? But I did take them this morning , I'll try not to repeat that trick, perhaps it's not a good trick after all!! I think we must brave the weather now and hope for the best so we must dash before the rain comes again. More news tomorrow folks , have a good Saturday.

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