Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

i-eye Day 51: - Hypochondria

I was going to Blip the thing that has appeared on my leg after some critter bit me in Washington but-:

1. It's gross.
2. Getting a photograph of your own calf requires the flexibility of an Olympic gymnast.
3. I thought I had a fabulous, golden tan but the camera tells me I am slightly off-white and freckly.
4. I am sure you can see the beginnings of a varicose vein.
5. I am vain ( not varicosely so).
6. I don't want to spoil your dinner.

Anyway, there should be some sort of filter on Google for hypochondriacs. I either have Lyme Disease or West Nile Virus. The pharmacist, after heading off to Google it, confirmed I need to see my GP, and amputation is likely to be the only option. Well, he didn't say the last bit but that's where my head is going. Stupid bloomin' USA building their capital city on a swamp (which apparently is a common misconception, although it did feel very swamp-like).

So to spare you, here's the boathouse in the park looking glorious and not swampy.

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