The People's Baron
Another Baron shot today. I noticed The People's Baron outside The Collection Museum on Thursday, and went back this afternoon to take some shots. It has faces painted on bottle tops, and clothes made of paperchains signifying Chain Mail and the strength of people standing together.
Appropriately enough, today I joined a protest march and stood with other like-minded people in a counter-demonstration to one held by the EDL. I walked past the EDL one on the way to the one I was joining. Those people are so filled with hate!
To be honest I don't think many of them know why they are protesting, or why they are so against anyone who is not exactly like them. It is just a place to put their hatred! The leader was a powerful, erudite man, very capable as a speaker of inciting and inflaming a willing crowd. I moved on, but was told by someone else that they spoke of bloodshed and violence against Muslims in particular. I am absolutely in favour of free speech, but I am not sure it should be used to speak of inciting violence.
The counter-protest was quieter with no rousing music or "whipping up" but far less threatening! No-one spoke of hatred or violence, and anyone could get up and address the crowd - many, varied people spoke rather than one or two leaders.
A lady vicar impressed me - she said she would stand for anyone to worship how they pleased, or not to worship at all if that was their belief. A very different face of the church to the one I'd been acquainted with!
Going back to my baron, I noticed none of my shots show any other ethnicities. Others are represented on this baron. as can be seen on the extra shot of the baron itself. Also included are the happy, smiling faces at the anti racism demo! I did not include the other snarling bunch!
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