Addition to the family!

No, not a great Aunt come to stay but boy (No1 son) was offered chickens when a lady who has an adjoining allotment became ill and had to relinquish her "patch".
He of course could not refuse and took them on willingly (understatement!) for a 3 month trial partnership.
Despite it being temporary, the size of the flock seems to have grown by about 30% under his tenure already....thinks we haven't noticed 8-)
They are quite sweet though, a bit smelly but, he is getting a fair number of eggs each day....we think there may be some "freeloaders" hidden  among their ranks who are past laying but, he wouldn't dream of getting rid of any.....he wouldn't make a good farmer as he would end up with a huge flock and no eggs to show for it....I do understand his point though and I would be the same!
Have a great Saturday evening blippers!

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