The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Destroying a chair for fun

Jezzie and I took this chair through one door yesterday. It was tricky figuring out the angles, but we managed. We couldn't get it though the front door, however, so got bored and started taking it apart with a hammer, knife, and axe. None of this seemed to help, so we were wishing that a more mathematically-minded member of the family were present!

Just then, who should turn up at the door but our cousin/niece Maria, who is staying at my sister Mouse's house. She IS mathermatically minded, so instantly suggested a solution. We got it out in the garden, and left it there because there is no vehicle big enough to take it to the tip. Besides, there's a lovely view over the loch from the chair.

We went to Oban today and took some other stuff to the charity shop AND the tip. There's a shop at the tip, so we bought some more things, and then went shopping at Tesco's where we bumped into our mother at the checkout.

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