
By Shin

Long project

Today I had lots of photo oppertunities as we were in a Korean department store where there were lots of colourful food gift displays. After which we went to the aquarium where they also had an interesting display for live bats. At home, since it was halloween, we had a mini dress up party.

But the reason for me to post the picture I did, was that in my third winter my knitting project for my daughter is finally finished. The first year it took me ages to get the loops at the bottom and the heart shape in the middle right. The loop shapes took a long time, because initially I thought the reason for them becoming loose after having done several rows, was because I didn't pull them tight enough. Then only after having done that three times, to find out it was because they should have been made clockwise instead of counterclockwise. Then the heart I just mislooked and had several rows start at the wrong place. The following year I actually didn't do much because after all the "difficult part" of the loops and the heart the rest seemed a bit boring, including my youngest being around 18 months wouldn't let me do a single stitch without pulling the one or other needle out of the knitting, and somehow I didn't get round to it in the evenings. This year I finally finished it (somehow I only knit in autumn/winter time) and I'm very pleased with it for 2 reasons.
1. my daughter love it
2. IT STILL FITS. Good heavens, what was I thinking about her size two years ago...
Since I got into the swing of things, I knitted a mini one for her dolly as well.

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