Saturday: Rovinj Streets

I was s little tired today due to a very hot night and the Croatian belief that air conditioning in the bedroom will be the death of you.  The other option was to open the window and have all the street noise so it was a no win situation.

It didn't stop us having a very good day, though.  We hired bikes and rode out to the headland where we then rented sun beds for a few hours.  I also got to have my first meaningful swim.  

Then a lovely lunch (Thai salad, no less!) before a walk round town.  And, later on, cocktails on the rocks followed by a meal which, even though we were sat outside, was just uncomfortably hot.  We had to have a nightcap to cool down.

It does feel a little odd doing this, though, while K. is having a hard time in the UK.  Unfortunately, we don't have much choice, either in terms of her being here or me being there.

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