White horse in a rain cloud

We set off down to Westbury in the p*ssing rain, initially missing a turning and having to take a steep winding unclassified type of road to get back to our route, where the drivers side wing mirror of our hire car was smashed off by some local cowboy coming down the hill at his usual speed no doubt. I hope his wing mirror was equally trashed.

Anyway, we arrived, checked in at the hotel (v pleasant) and got to the festival site. The rain continued to piss down and it was really quite cold - but we eventually conjured up some energy from somewhere or the other and did a reasonably well received set. We squelched away to the cars afterwards and noticed that they had set up quite a lot of lighting - the chimney of the nearby cement factory was illuminated in all the colours of the rainbow, and the white horse that was occasionally visible through the low cloud was at least partially illuminated by a distant floodlight.

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