
By phosgraphe

Om Nom Nom

For the past few days Nick and I have been kind of worried about our one fish, Red Fish Jr. He hadn't been eating anything and spent most of his time moping around the bottom of his tank- really really out of character for this little fish.
Well, last night when we fed him and Blue Fish, Jr. we started talking about how RFJ wasn't doing to well and how he wasn't eating. Well, then I had the idea that maybe he just didn't like the food that we'd been feeding him since he was used to what I had bought him before Nick and I moved in together. So I go and dig out the old, salad-like fish food and sure enough he ate it all. Now he's acting a lot more like himself again... much more active.

It was just one of those special, little moments. I had had a somewhat bad evening last night and sharing that little event with Nico really helped cheer me up.

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