Rose-Tinted Glasses

These also arrived yesterday but Stella's mobility took priority.

I asked my optician about tinted or polarised lenses easing my photo-sensitivity and was told that they would make no difference. I know for a fact since buying some cheap clip-on polarised lenses that in fact they do.

The yellow colouring isn't overly flattering but a small price to pay for the relief they give, especially while driving.

In migraine terms, a rose tint is said to help with symptoms but again the optician disagreed.

Recently one of those Groupon e-mails had an offer for bargain price glasses with various tints. For the price I thought it worth a try.

Not something I'd ever have considered before, but, you put in your prescription details and some measurements, pick a style and away you go. 2 weeks later I have a pair (purple obviously) with rose tints and a pair for driving with polarised tints.

I was amazed they arrived so efficiently and even more amazed that they actually fit my face better than my originals! 

The company is called Glasses Direct and you can even try frames at home to see if they suit you. 

If I only get a reduction in headaches and nothing else I'll be so pleased :) 

In Stella news, she was slightly miffed by the rain today as, she felt well enough to take her plastic sausages outside to play. Indoors had to do but is nowhere near as much fun apparently!

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