Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Wet flower

Well, wet everything really.  Soggy day.

No.1 son had a party he was really excited about but he hurt his knee and the other kids weren't very nice.  He doesn't seem that bothered but I'm all fluffed up, in a parental sense...

He's been reading Harry Potter though, nearly finished book 2 so we introduced him to the first film today - and that was really good fun.  First time I've seen him really captivated by a film :-)  I'm putting a lot of positive energy into hoping he doesn't start describing things as 'bloody marvellous', in Ron Weasley's voice :-/   

Or in anyone's voice really...

No.2 is driving me nuts talking about moving house 'pretendly'.  We keep having to role play me being asleep and being woken up by him, "Wake up Mummy, it's today.  Get up quickly."

It's so cruel because he makes sure I shut my eyes before we start (one time he actually tucked me up in bed) and then I have to open my eyes almost immediately.  Bearing in mind he didn't go to sleep until 8.30pm last night, woke at 3 (at which point I spent an hour dozing on his floor) and then was up for the day at 5.30am. Yawn....

I have high hopes for tonight though. Fast asleep by 7.45pm :-)

And.... there are no school bags, or lunches or notes to write for the teachers. Two days in and I'm still loving the holidays :-)

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