On tiptoe

A grey day, but the town is full of holiday makers and some ventured onto the beach, while others promenaded along the front or gathered to watch participants in the Rio Marathon come through.
HH not quite as perky as yesterday. His Parkinsons meds have been suspended while he’s being fed intravenously, so he hadn’t slept well. And today’s nurses were rather boot-faced – in fact, mostly rather absent, and when they did turn up, reluctant to do anything but stand around and natter. Still, the doctors are satisfied with his progress, although there’s no immediate prospect of his being moved to a room.
From the hospital, I went to a performance by some highly talented young musicians from the favelas (quite a few from the City of God, which some of you may remember from the film). They’ve been attending intensive workshops in playing, singing, dancing and/or drama, some of the instructors being volunteers from abroad, while others started off in the same school. The aim was to show their families what they have learned, and believe me, they were very impressive. It was a really joyous occasion. 

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