Saved by The Phone

We went out this morning and The Boss never got one pic that he really liked.
This was no doubt caused by sore eyes that had more to do with a 7 hour StarWarsathon on Sunday than his cold. I recon….Right.

Oh and regarding yesterdays wind blown dog I have to report that he had two feet…hands on the steering wheel most of the time.

Now where was I… Oh yes well we went out after lunch to meet the Bossess and have coffee (I should mention that I have never personally had coffee. I kno it smells interesting but hot stuff is just not my thing. Cold stuff is OK but I have never had a Zero either as The Boss says the bubbles are bad for my nose..They tickle and he considers things are bad enough without added caffeine). 

Distracted again….

Yes well on the way bark this was in the sky and the Boss leapt out of Suzz, waited for the folk by the lake to stop playing with selfies and got this on the Iphone (asyoudo).
Afterwards he thought that the folk with their selfies might well have provided an interesting foreground but he was reluctant to go ask them to start again as it had taken them some time the first time and at no time had they stood bark to the lake anyway.


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