
The subject matter need not concern you but I had a simple communication challenge today. The simple thing to do would have been, as requested, to write a letter, enclosing another letter.  But I thought I could be helpful by making a phone call and thereby save everyone involved a lot of faffing around. How foolish!

One phone call became four, each uncannily similar to the one before, involving recorded greetings and a series of options - press 1 for this, 2 for that, the other is 3 and anything else can be found via 4.  Followed by another list and another. At the end of this tunnel, a human being speaks, whose first language was not English, demanding answers to a set of questions - my name, first line of address and postcode, date of birth and account number. Then, after asking me how they could help, listening briefly and a pause for thought, I was either transferred to, or asked to ring, someone else. And repeat. Three times.

At the conclusion of the fourth conversation, I was asked to write a letter, enclosing another letter.  Which I have now done.


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