'Ceremony Of Awards', Manchester

It rained most of the morning but this made me get things done indoors .Then off I went to purchase tickets for a Halle Concert.Approaching Bridgewater Hall there was a throng 3 times larger than this you see here. Finding no place to leave my bike I made my way through the crowd. Relieved to note they weren't queueing for Halle tickets it was all so very British .People moved aside for me apologizing for being there  whilst  I did likewise.  At last I got to the doors and inside .The bike  & I carried on through yet another throng.
So many cameras and iPads. A Blip Meet Extraordinaire maybe ? Wrong. This was part of the University Ceremony of Awards . Happy smiling faces all around .Once inside ( had not been able to get to the best door for entry ) I at last reached the box office. We had a laugh about the crowd and a chat after which getting out was easy . The taxi rank had been doing well but as the rain had stopped more were walking and I took a photo of those  remaining. Congratulations to all who have worked hard for their degree.

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