
By Dollykgray

MonoMonday - Spring

We have been in the grips of a hot summer but after a cool change the weather today has been quite spring-like. Low 20's and the odd shower about. We drove to Třeboň, a small town in Czech Republic only about 25 minutes away and dates back to 12th century. On the way home we stopped in Gmünd for an ice cream and somehow I managed to delete all my photos from the SD card. A thunderstorm passed through and a wonderful rainbow appeared while we were sitting there. I took a few shots then a few minutes later took a last one as it was fading. I replayed them to see how they turned out and there was only that last one on the camera. I think I must have been accidentally fiddling with the back of the camera, which has a touch screen, while talking and pressed format. Lesson learned - turn off camera when talking or place on table out of the way of fiddly little fingers (what my mother used to call my hands).
So here is the spring holding the hose on the kitchen tap. The extra is the fading rainbow.
Thanks to irunlykagirl for hosting MonoMonday.

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