WREX and a Brawl

Been writing at Wolfson Research Exchange since last week. A snapshot of today's desk status. Nothing interesting with regards writing but there was "action" at Tesco today.

As I was waiting for my bus back to the flat, there was this man who was aggressively talking to another man outside Tesco. From what he was saying, it seemed like the other man owes him money and that he wants it paid. After a few minutes of shouting and pushing, they were already grabbing each other. Another person who was waiting for the bus with me (he was quite tall and clearly an able guy to break off a fight) went and tried to break the fight. He was taller than the two men fighting and so he was successful somehow in separating them...while filming the event using his mobile. Not long after two police cars came and his filming paid off as he was asked by one policeman to send a copy of the video to them. I then told the guy who went back to the bus stop to wait for his bus, "Good job you did there :)" And he smiled back.

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