
By LorsDors


For about the last six months 'the girls' (my two and my neighbours' two) have been pestering to run a cafe 'for charity' from our houses.

We eventually relented and the awesome, epic cafe of charitable giving (and joy) became a reality on Sunday afternoon.

The girls own idea. They chose the charity (NSPCC) and have spent weeks doing menu prep, posters and general planning.

So. Saturday saw an epic bake-a-thon (post bath viewing) and Sunday morning required intensive frosting.

Carrot cake, brownies, cookies, Victoria sponge and marshmallow Rice Krispie cakes. Oh my. They were sticky. Very sticky. Not entirely convinced my innards will destickify following the marshmallow intensity.

Cafe doors opened at 2pm and girls were armed with pinnies and notebooks, poised to take orders. We kept it simple. Drinks and cakes. Girls were brilliant. Rain stayed off. They were busy. Occasionally overwhelmed but ultimately triumphant.

They raised £115.29.

Bless em :)

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