twinned with trumpton


Mad Dogs and Englishmen.... oh that we had some midday sun to go out in

Rainy ride into the office; noticeably quiet cycle path, mind.

And the usual Monday gash on the phones; plus work to do.
Dived out at lunch to walk in the rain with her; then to enliven my afternoon my canoe building French dude presented at the office - great. There's half an hour I'll not get back.

And out - I had planned on weeding but the rain which had abated then returned and that was that. So dry domestic won out over wet weeding.
And the great Cigs unveil continues; now we have a Tory councillor publically'reporting' the graffiti to the rozzers. Er - because someone's presented 500 photos you've suddenly realised your ward is covered in things scrawled and painted on walls? Really? Oh wait, you might appear like the good guy? Ah.... And you have to do no work to appear like the good guy? Ah....

The soggy view from the City Arts Centre onto Market Street

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