Although unseen ...

... the sun coloured the sky on my way to work this morning.

I had seen the sun emerging from behind Rangitoto as I was crossing the Harbour Bridge. A glorious red/orange semicircle splashing golden light onto the water of the Waitemata. No way that I could stop there for a photo, and by the time I reached my off ramp, and was stopped by a red light, the sun was back behind clouds, and cast its golden light through a powerful lot of diffusion.

In the team meeting today we struggled with the joint issues of treating a mother and ensuring the safety of the child. For every success story (someone whose child was at risk of being taken into care, having a remarkable response to antidepressants, and the safety matters being resolved), there is another whose response is either yet to come, or is not responding at all, and what to do becomes a matter of judgement.

Home now, and preparing for the meeting of the BBC (Blokes Book Club), here at the apartment. Should be enjoyable.

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