Lost in translation

(With a nod to the movie with Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson)

Busy day for us all getting home late and rather hungry. Shepherd's Pie was a quick and easy solution if not gastronomically glamorous. Everything has to be labelled in both official languages but this is the first time I can remember seeing something so strange I had to Google it. And yes. It's true. Where I expected to see "tourte berger" or "hachis Parmentier," I saw Pate Chinois.
"Chinese Pie? WTF?
It seems that Pate Chinois, a dish from New England/ Quebec, is "similar" to shepherd's pie.

From here on in, I'm not buying any more Pate Chinois, I'll stick to Shepherd's Pie, it's much better.

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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