An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Doom and Gloom...

I know my mood is on the low side as it always is when my boy isn't well, but deary me, the weather isn't helping.  Will it ever stop raining?  Will there ever be a day this summer when we can actually sit in the garden, maybe even think of having a BBQ?  I hope so, but it's not looking likely for the foreseeable future.

On the plus side, I would say Alan's a little bit brighter today.  That said, he's sound asleep, snuggled in his blanket at the moment.  It was 3am before he finally got into a settled sleep last night.  He did manage to eat some custard and a whole packet of giant choc buttons at lunchtime though (and he managed about a third of his dinner last night) so I am hoping he's finally turned a corner although I've been hoping that for a week now.

Tesco delivery due, washing machine about to finish it's current load, dishwasher needing emptied.  Sometimes I wonder how I cope with all the excitement in my life.

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