
By becky8770

June - a month of many happenings

I debated long and hard before adding this entry to my Blipfoto collection but, as this is also to serve as a diary of sorts, I felt that at least some mention of the events of June should be included.

It was a month of many highs and lows, to say the least.  Very sadly, at the beginning of the month, on the 2nd, Richard's mother, Meg, died.  Two days later, on the 4th, her daughter (my sister-in-law Nicki), had her birthday and then the following day, Richard reached the milestone of 50.  We then, of course, saw many family members and friends at her funeral and then two days after that, Robyn celebrated her 12th birthday.  (June has always been a busy month for us!)

In between all of this was the school summer fair, which I helped to organise, Robyn and Amber's appearances in the school musical 'Oliver!' and the usual end-of-term busyness.  

(As to the picture I chose.  I suppose there's nothing as effective to demonstrate the existence of a birthday (and the rest of life's comings and goings) than the picture of a birthday cake.  This was Robyn's cake - she wanted chocolate with raspberry jam in the middle and butter icing and raspberries on top.  It was also quite a whopper - for those of you interested, the ingredients included 600g of dark chocolate and 12 eggs.  It was quite a large family gathering that had to be fed!)

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