"I am going with you, right???"
Yes she is, but the 6 hour car ride in her cat case to our summer house on the far Down East Coast of Maine will not be her favorite way to spend a good part of Friday. She uses the case as a bed and comfy place at home, so she'll feel secure. We'll be there three weeks. I hope you will enjoy the coastal images that will appear here daily.
You can see one from last year in my extra photos. This is the view from the bluff above the tidal Machias River, over looking Machias Bay and the Gulf of Maine & Atlantic. I took this just before a storm hit, from the old cemetery beside us. Those folks make wonderful neighbors, they never mind when I drop in at all hours with my cameras in hand.
My grandfather Hanson grew up in that house and courted my grandmother there along the sea
Raspberry got a stupendous package in the mail yesterday from AnneILM60 yesterday. I'll have more time tomorrow to have her model her gifts, today she is a fussy-wig as well, the bags are making her nervous. She's a cat that hates things out of place, OCD among other things like obsessive omnivore I guess. This is her third gift via mail in three weeks! She received an infinity scarf as you may recall from Paula Banks AND something else she'll be modeling on Thursday from T's sister C!! (Shh, she's a little too pudgy for part of the gift, but we'll try).
For the Record,
This day came in sunny, hot and humid. Errands and packing will fill my day.
All hands healthy.
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